Actually we should place the blame on CNN. The YouTube "debates" that have aired on the news channel are really nothing more than "man in the street" questions. Even with some computer technology thrown in, the questions are selected by CNN's news staff. There had to have been inquiries on almost all the subjects that interest American voters. But the thirty plus that were chosen was an attempt by CNN to steer the debate the way they wanted it to go.
Even though the desert warrior who threw his automatic weapon on camera, got a lot of buzz, the truly important question was asked by a seemingly angry young man who wanted to know how literal the Republican candidates took the Holy Bible. That each politician on stage seemed to follow many of the Bible's precepts is to be commended.
However, why would CNN allow such a pointed sectarian question to pass through their screeners and take up valuable time in the two hour presentation? The real issue is why should the population at large need to know the theological views of those seeking the secular office of president. What if one of the candidates was Jewish? Would he or she have to announce publicly that he does not believe in the New Testament accounts of Jesus? How about a Hindu or Muslim? How would they fare with such a pointed question?
We all want morally upright people running our nation. People we can put our trust in to make wise and equitable decisions. But the president is not the pastor of a church or a rabbi in a temple. He or she is a flawed human being who most likely has had a successful life and is someone who should be capable of leading us. The specific religion one espouses is a personal journey. Even Jesus himself declared that true religion is praying in private and seeking God in the depth of one's soul.
By allowing candidates to declare publicly their Christian virtues, we are creating potential chiefs of staff who will be using the Bible and the trappings of their religion to push agendas that might benefit themselves and those who narrowly follow their views.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Romney: Throw Momma Off The Train

What do ALL political candidates do when someone they know might have done something that might affect their candidacy? We all know the answer - throw the bum off the train!!! Hillary Clinton's support for New York Governor Spitzer's realistic call for illegal immigration ID's got her in deep trouble in a recent debate. Behind the scenes she forced Spitzer to give up the politically unpopular idea so that her campaign could get back on track. The stumble she took over this issue seems to have led to a slippage in her lead over Senator Obama.
In Clinton's case, the ID concept (and to a lesser degree, Spitzer's reputation) was cast off. Now comes GOP hopeful Mitt Romney, who is in real damage control as he calls for Massachusetts Judge Kathe Tuttman to resign from the judiciary in his home state. Romney is concerned because he must appear tough on crime for the Republican primary voters out for red meat. He is castigating Tuttman as too soft on crime and personally responsible for the shooting deaths of two people in Washington state by a former convict who was recently freed by Judge Tuttman. Romney is trying to get ahead of this story before people realize that he himself appointed Kathe Tuttman to the judgeship while he was governor. It is one thing to bemoan the situation and another to place the entire blame on the judge who apparently was not told all the facts about the former prisoner who went on this horrific killing spree.
Romney and others like to point to their integrity and values in their public and personal lives. But straight forward and honest thinking is not an attribute that many politicians can claim. When trouble comes (as it inevitably will) on the campaign trail, Romney has shown that the shrillest and easiest way out of a mess is to remove the problem and place the blame on someone else. That Judge Tuttman is considered a tough judge means nothing if her action in this situation will cause a shadow to fall upon the perfect world that Mr. Romney is attempting to paint for himself.
All the candidates have skeletons within their own closet and among their associates. When a story comes out about past misdeeds, it is prudent upon the voter to look at the reaction of the candidate to see what values he or she truly holds dear. In this case, Romney has fallen way short of the image he wants to portray.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
When one approaches the Creator with thanksgiving, one needs to also examine the heart. As a nation we need to take this moment to reflect on what God has given us and what we have collectively failed to do in response. So here are some thanks and requests for forgiveness. May we all grow in the love of God and become better messengers of charity and truth.
Lord, thank you for allowing our nation to be a military power with a track record of helping those who have been trodden upon.
Lord, forgive us for using this powerful military instrument as the preferred sword of offense when dialogue and prayer should always be the best option.
Lord,thank you for the abundance of food, clothing, and housing that we evidently enjoy.
Lord, forgive us for not seeking a more equitable manner to distribute these material necessities and allowing so many to go without.
Lord, thank you for the many doctors and hospitals that dot our communities.
Lord, forgive us for not finding a way to reach the uninsured and not following the rest of the developed world in a common national health program.
Lord, thank you for the legal immigrants who enrich our experience and make us a great nation.
Lord, forgive us for looking at the so called illegal Hispanics as potential terrorist aliens who have come to rob us when in reality they want nothing more than an opportunity to feed their own children.
Finally, Lord, thank you for the media innovations that allow us to communicate and become informed so that we can make wise decisions for our nation and the world.
Lord, may we also seek forgiveness for using these modern means of entertainment and news for our own personal perversions and elevation of the trivial over what is vitally important.
In Christ's Name
Lord, thank you for allowing our nation to be a military power with a track record of helping those who have been trodden upon.
Lord, forgive us for using this powerful military instrument as the preferred sword of offense when dialogue and prayer should always be the best option.
Lord,thank you for the abundance of food, clothing, and housing that we evidently enjoy.
Lord, forgive us for not seeking a more equitable manner to distribute these material necessities and allowing so many to go without.
Lord, thank you for the many doctors and hospitals that dot our communities.
Lord, forgive us for not finding a way to reach the uninsured and not following the rest of the developed world in a common national health program.
Lord, thank you for the legal immigrants who enrich our experience and make us a great nation.
Lord, forgive us for looking at the so called illegal Hispanics as potential terrorist aliens who have come to rob us when in reality they want nothing more than an opportunity to feed their own children.
Finally, Lord, thank you for the media innovations that allow us to communicate and become informed so that we can make wise decisions for our nation and the world.
Lord, may we also seek forgiveness for using these modern means of entertainment and news for our own personal perversions and elevation of the trivial over what is vitally important.
In Christ's Name
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Six For President
Some random observations after viewing what CNN billed as a debate. (Hillary won and is winning so we will leave her alone for now)
Barack Obama has been a professor longer than he has been a REAL Senator. He appeals to that college educated crowd because he is one of them. It seems that he can always give a great intellectually sound speech, but when it comes to debates he has very small pauses and stutters. He doesn't know how to create momentum and he doesn't know how to sustain strong points he may have.
John Edwards is too much of a lawyer when he attacks Clinton. And John Edwards seems more and more like the Mitt Romney of the Democrats.
Joe Biden and Chris Dodd seem like the same guy. They both seem to be that caring gray haired uncle that shows up a few times a year for holiday dinners. Maybe Biden should have run last time around. I still have no idea why Dodd is up there. At least Biden brings in his foreign policy ideas.
Bill Richardson is great. And he is fat and wears some suits that do not quite fit.
Kucinich - well he's there for the UFO factor.
Although having seven candidates during a debate takes away from the real race between Clinton and Obama/Edwards it works out to their mutual advantage because they don't have to make big stands on abortion or gay rights or other issues like that. Time and time again these questions go to the lower tier candidates where they get to finally talk as much as they want. So once these guys make the classic liberal case the top three can just say they agree. Compare that with the Republicans who are still caught up in the "Reagan mantle" debate.
Some random observations after viewing what CNN billed as a debate. (Hillary won and is winning so we will leave her alone for now)
Barack Obama has been a professor longer than he has been a REAL Senator. He appeals to that college educated crowd because he is one of them. It seems that he can always give a great intellectually sound speech, but when it comes to debates he has very small pauses and stutters. He doesn't know how to create momentum and he doesn't know how to sustain strong points he may have.
John Edwards is too much of a lawyer when he attacks Clinton. And John Edwards seems more and more like the Mitt Romney of the Democrats.
Joe Biden and Chris Dodd seem like the same guy. They both seem to be that caring gray haired uncle that shows up a few times a year for holiday dinners. Maybe Biden should have run last time around. I still have no idea why Dodd is up there. At least Biden brings in his foreign policy ideas.
Bill Richardson is great. And he is fat and wears some suits that do not quite fit.
Kucinich - well he's there for the UFO factor.
Although having seven candidates during a debate takes away from the real race between Clinton and Obama/Edwards it works out to their mutual advantage because they don't have to make big stands on abortion or gay rights or other issues like that. Time and time again these questions go to the lower tier candidates where they get to finally talk as much as they want. So once these guys make the classic liberal case the top three can just say they agree. Compare that with the Republicans who are still caught up in the "Reagan mantle" debate.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Somewhere Over The Hawaii Rainbow

We screwed up the University of South Florida by publicizing their (at the time) undefeated season and climb to second place in the BCS rankings. Of course once we (and a cover story by Sports Illustrated) were published, the upstart Bulls went on to lose three straight contests and plummet from the collective minds of American sports fans.
Now we have the opportunity to do the same to the nine win - no loss Hawaii Rainbow Warriors. The team led by superstar quarterback, Colt Brennan, is desperately trying to earn a high pay BCS bowl bid. But this time we truly are rooting for Hawaii's best. There is always nothing better than seeing an outsider crash the BCS/ Fox TV billion dollar bowl extravaganza. Until college football has an equitable bowl/playoff system, die hard fans and anti-capitalists should do all in their power to bring the current system down.
Briefly, the BCS championship promises a place in one of their five bowl games to the winner of the six "top" divison one conferences - Big Ten, Big Twelve, Big East, Southeast, Pacific Ten, and Atlantic Coast. The winners of the other five division one football playing conferences - the Western Athletic, Mountain West, Conference USA, Sun Belt, and Mid-American have no guarantee for prime time exposure and a big payday. In fact, the only way one of these poor cousins can even get into the picture is by producing a perfect twelve win season.
Last year, Boise State was the cinderella story. This WAC team not only finished the year with thirteen straight wins but defeated the mighty Oklahoma Sooners in the Fiesta Bowl. Now Hawaii is trying to replicate this accomplishment. The road ahead will not be easy as the Warriors play Nevada, the always tough Boise team, and the Pac Ten's Washington Huskies to close out their year. But if they do ...
The controlling powers are going to make it a tough hurdle for Hawaii. They are ranked outside of the top twelve (the point needed for a non BCS team to get into the big show). There should be no doubt that if Hawaii wins out they must be involved in the bowl system. What more can a team do? If Hawaii and the teams that are in the five non BCS leagues can not gain entry than why should they be allowed to play in the top tier of division one. There is a lower bracket (with a playoff system) for other division one schools. These five conferences are spending great deals of money and effort to play at the top levels of their sport. Congressional inquiries have been held into the practices of the big six in their exclusionary system.
Almost all of us want a true playoff to take place in big time college football. When teams like Boise State and Hawaii knock on the door, it shows the weakness and hypocrisy of a sport often tainted with corruption. College sports should not be controlled by sports cartels and dollar rich television networks. Return to your roots - let the champions be crowned by play on the field and not by a defense set up by players in board rooms who wear suits and ties instead of pads and cleats.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Whole Foods Trickling Down

Trendy Old Pasadena California now boasts the newest, hippest, and largest Whole Foods Market on the planet. With three levels of underground parking (including valet) and two stories holding over 75,000 square feet of merchandise it is a wonder to behold. Fruits, veggies, a fish market, vitamins and fragrances, a juice bar, wine, cheese, Asian and Tapas bistros, aisle upon aisle of health foods, sandwich carving, bakery, and on and on. This new Whole Foods is ground zero in the move towards organic nirvana. No doubt that the citizens of Pasadena will be feeling warm and snuggly after trying so many unique foodstuffs. Based on the opening week crowds, the hospitals and medical centers in the area will have to prepare to lay off workers as the health craze sweeps through the city.
In a prime location just blocks south of Colorado Blvd., one would think that the diverse Pasadena population will be thrilled with the new market. But a closer look at the store's operations would lead an observer to conclude that only an upper class clientele will be shopping at the modern marvel. The juicy fruits and crunchy locally grown organic vegetables are priced more than double what customers can expect to pay at traditional supermarkets. Except for some Whole Foods branded boxed and bottled items, the healthy offerings found on the store's shelves are destined to be purchased by the small percent of Pasadena's residents who make upwards of $100,000 and more in annual income.
Many of the Whole Food patrons are dedicated to a holistic lifestyle. These lucky souls can afford to buy the vitamin mixes, fresh meats and fish, and top quality wines that are available. But what about those who need and would like to partake of the Whole Food horn of plenty? By shopping at this high end gourmet extravaganza, the save the world bunch are really all about saving themselves and leaving the spoils for the less fortunate.
"Oh well, the poor only have themselves to blame. We worked hard and we are going to get the best of the food. We call for saving rain forests, ending global warming, and working for world peace. That poor nutrition is causing discomfort and sickness right here on our American streets is not really our concern. Hey, at least some of the locals can find employment sweeping the floors of the $1.89 muffin crumbs we have dropped on the store's second floor eating area. Thank God I'm rich and using my dollars so a few pennies and some farm raised fish can find their way to the wallets and dinner dishes of the underclass."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Baseball Instant Replay

The powers have already compromised our nation's game. World Series starting times have been pushed back to 8:30 EST and had this season's Series gone seven games, baseball would have played its first November date. With commercial breaks and other add-ons, one of the Red Sox-Rockies games took well over four hours (and it was only a nine inning affair!).
Mediocre utility players are receiving salaries in excess of two million a season, while super studs like Alex Rodriguez, are pushing the thirty million milestone. Organ music is being replaced by piped in rock and rap and sophisticated computerized scoreboards entertain with inane between innings contests and advertising that are virtually the same from one stadium to the next.
The good news is that owners are demanding baseball only parks and stadiums are becoming unique in their field dimensions and various quirks. Unfortunately, baseball's young set of general managers see this lack of uniformity as an opportunity to bring the next adjustment to the grand old game - instant replay.
The basic argument is that the seating arrangements and differing lengths and heights of outfield fences have made it very difficult for umpires to get homerun calls correctly. Even with six umpires in postseason, there was controversy on some possible long hits. So the GM's are pressing for baseball to get into the new millennium and institute replays for home runs. Perhaps with television cameras at every game this might be a good idea. Who would not want the correct call to be made?
But if instituted, where will it stop. Did a fan reach out and touch a bouncing ball for a ground rule double? Did a third baseman reach into the stands and actually hold on to the foul fly for an out? Did a pitched ball just hit the loose sleeve of the hitter? Did a runner actually go out of the base path?
Once in, it will always be there. Umpires will delay games and talk to league officials in some sealed off office in New York who are monitoring every play and every move of the umps. In football, it is obvious that officials know that if they make a close call, there will be backup so their call is no longer the final one. The official is given way to a nameless techie as the final arbiter of right and wrong.
Why do we love baseball so much? Because of its timeless nature and pastoral grandeur. There is a sense of good and evil and of a world that was once just a bit simpler and slower than what we are experiencing today. Put the instant replay in the game and baseball will lose its uniqueness and a bit of its soul.
Monday, November 5, 2007
A Halloween Rape
It could have happened in any college community. It could happen again. It did happen and a young woman's life has been shattered and a young college student is looking at a long prison sentence and life as a sex offender. But it did not have to happen.
A coed and her roommates returned from a night of Halloween fun and crashed in their off campus house. As they were nodding off, a college acquaintance came into the unlocked house and asked for the girl by name. The student who slept in the living room pointed to the door of one of the bedrooms and fell back to sleep.
Just minutes later she heard noise, a window shattering, and the sobs of her roomie. In this short span, the body and soul of a young college woman was shattered. Thankfully the rape was officially reported and the perpetrator of this awful crime was arrested. That of course is the only good news out of such a horrific crime.
The story is true but we have decided to leave out the name of the city and college where this happened. Because it could happen in any university setting at any moment. Our society has sold our young people a false moral code. College dorms are now occupied by young people of both sexes. These are students who are barely eighteen and nineteen and just out of their homes and high school where most of them lived in their families' apartments and houses and resided in a girl's only or boy's only bedroom.
All the rules have been thrown out in the majority of our state and private colleges. There was a time when each dorm was reserved for one sex only. Now most schools have floors reserved by sex, floors divided in half by sex, or rooms set up one against the other with communal bathrooms.
When did young and healthy adolescents become expertly adept at holding back their sexual urges? No one is calling for a return to chaperoned dates but the intermingling in on and off campus housing has become epidemic. No doubt young men were often allowed in the Halloween girls' house. In almost all cases the guys were probably invited in and were polite and became good friends with the girls. But this open door policy brought a sense of false security to vulnerable female students. It took one person to take advantage and bring ruin to an innocent and raise a sense of fear and a need for security to a community.
The rape suspect will get his day in court and if found guilty will get his due punishment. The girls will remember forever the night when they left their door unlocked. But the real blame falls on the adult administration who have bought into a myth of utopian openness and understanding that flies in the face of reality.
A coed and her roommates returned from a night of Halloween fun and crashed in their off campus house. As they were nodding off, a college acquaintance came into the unlocked house and asked for the girl by name. The student who slept in the living room pointed to the door of one of the bedrooms and fell back to sleep.
Just minutes later she heard noise, a window shattering, and the sobs of her roomie. In this short span, the body and soul of a young college woman was shattered. Thankfully the rape was officially reported and the perpetrator of this awful crime was arrested. That of course is the only good news out of such a horrific crime.
The story is true but we have decided to leave out the name of the city and college where this happened. Because it could happen in any university setting at any moment. Our society has sold our young people a false moral code. College dorms are now occupied by young people of both sexes. These are students who are barely eighteen and nineteen and just out of their homes and high school where most of them lived in their families' apartments and houses and resided in a girl's only or boy's only bedroom.
All the rules have been thrown out in the majority of our state and private colleges. There was a time when each dorm was reserved for one sex only. Now most schools have floors reserved by sex, floors divided in half by sex, or rooms set up one against the other with communal bathrooms.
When did young and healthy adolescents become expertly adept at holding back their sexual urges? No one is calling for a return to chaperoned dates but the intermingling in on and off campus housing has become epidemic. No doubt young men were often allowed in the Halloween girls' house. In almost all cases the guys were probably invited in and were polite and became good friends with the girls. But this open door policy brought a sense of false security to vulnerable female students. It took one person to take advantage and bring ruin to an innocent and raise a sense of fear and a need for security to a community.
The rape suspect will get his day in court and if found guilty will get his due punishment. The girls will remember forever the night when they left their door unlocked. But the real blame falls on the adult administration who have bought into a myth of utopian openness and understanding that flies in the face of reality.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
A Blue Andy Griffith

Who knew? Watching two vintage 1963 episodes of The Andy Griffith Show on TV Land, the truth struck me. Andy and his town of Mayberry were a vanguard of liberal progressivism in an area that most of us would call politically bright red.
In one short hour we witnessed the following:
School teacher Helen Crump proclaiming that she could not cook and did not like to cook. Furthermore she would not learn to cook even for any future husband.
Crump also declared that she would not be a stay at home wife and would keep working in the educational field. And golly, Andy not only agreed with this sentiment, but chose Helen as his steady girl friend over dozens of other hot young Mayberrian beauties.
Andy seemed to enjoy his role as single dad. He felt very secure in bringing up Opie and was in no rush to turn to a woman to help in his parenting. It was only after constant badgering from Barney that Andy decided to go on a long long engagement with Ms. Crump.
Town drunk Otis was reassured by the Sheriff and Deputy Barney that he would always have a warm prison cell (complete with food service from Aunt Bee's kitchen)when he went on a drinking binge and could not go home to his long suffering wife. The law enforcement officers never put any guilt trip on Otis and saw his alcoholism more as a disease than something he was doing wrong (i.e. sinful).
Barney favored the involvement of state government over any private fund raising. The police department needed building funds and Barney wrote to the state commission to get the needed money. Even though Andy and himself were held in such high esteem by the Mayberry citizenry, the thought of holding a local charity drive never entered their mind. No free enterprise for those two!
Finally, one stands in awe that Sheriff Andy Taylor would patrol the dangerous environs of Mayberry without a trusted gun by his side. Yes, there was a rifle rack in the police HQ, but Andy almost never used the rifles or packed a pistol. In fact he would later become famous as the "Sheriff Without A Gun". Imagine what the NRA would do to Andy today. He would not stand a prayer of a chance to be reelected with his anti-gun stance.
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