The ship is sinking! The sky is falling! A pox upon our house! Who is to blame - Larry Craig. The senior senator from family friendly Idaho who likes to hang out in airport bathrooms. He is making our party look bad. Why we are the party of real Americana - two parent households, church goers, and upholders of the capitalist dream. But now one of our own has made a mistake. Could he be gay? Did he actually touch shoes with another man? Did he plead to a felony or was it a misdemeanor? Well he has brought shame to our house. Do we care about his family? Do we even care about him? Nah, let's forget about his years of loyalty to our conservative causes. Throw him overboard. There is an election to be won! Loyalty, patience, forgiveness: those are virtues we really don't need. So long Larry!
Mitt Romney
John McCain
Norm Coleman
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