Thursday, September 13, 2007

South Korea Redux

At least there's fun in Korea. For over fifty years American soldiers have been stationed on the Korean peninsula. It is the world's ultimate longest running "Cold War". But what a great place to be stationed - close proximity to the rest of Asia, modern conveniences in a booming nation, good food, nice weather, girls, etc. So President Bush must have his geography wrong when he hinted tonight at a perpetual American presence in Iraq. What good is that going be for the soldiers of this and future generations - nearness to many of the world's dangerous places, run down infrastructure, unfamiliar food, hot, hot, hot weather, no girls, etc. If you are going to pick a place to make a stand at least have a heart and let our young recruits live in some form of paradise and security.

1 comment:

GoKings said...

I agree. I never thought of it like that