Three issues. The big three. The ones that many social conservatives hang their hats on. There can be no compromises. Abortion is murder. Marriage must be limited to one man and one woman. Americans can carry their guns wherever they want. Any deviation from these positions will cause political death for national Republican candidates and vast electoral losses for any presidential aspirant in the so called red states.
Why bring up these seemingly known facts now? Because the experts and pundits have collective amnesia or are just plain stupid. First it was Rudy Giuliani and now it threatens to be Michael Bloomberg.
Rudy rose to the early top of GOP contenders with his hard stance on security and terrorism. But didn't anyone see how quick his fall would become once his opponents pointed out his divergent record on the three big conservative concerns. A tough as nails record on crime and a resurgence of New York as a civil place to live would not be enough for the "nation's mayor" to run his campaign on. His pro choice record, his cozying up to the large gay New York population, and the driving need to clean the city streets of weapons are anathema to the middle Americans who wholeheartedly uphold the trinity's basic line of no compromise. The truth is that Rudy himself knew that his earlier history would doom him in Iowa and South Carolina where evangelical voters would dominate the voting. That is why he basically has skipped both states and is focusing on retirement folks down in Florida. In America in 2008, no candidate for the GOP title can be anything but orthodox on these three heartfelt social issues.
Now that Rudy is plunging in the polls, the true social conservatism that lies deep within Republican ranks has been exposed. The current New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, should look studiously at the Giuliani story and abandon his ill fated third party candidacy before it really begins. Where will he get votes from? His positions are much more liberal than his predecessor's. His heroic work to ban guns within the city is blasphemy to many red staters. There is no way in hell that Bloomberg will pick up any electoral votes in the south, the mountain west, and most of the mid west. All he will end up doing is splitting votes with the Democratic candidate in places like Oregon, California, New York, and Massachusetts and delivering the presidency to a Republican. Forget about the need for an economics savior to come and help us in a time of recession. The twenty-five percent or so that follow the Unholy Trinity would rather our nation fall into a Great Depression before pulling the lever for a man who does not follow their social prescripts.
The media observers seem to live for the moment and have forgotten to look at the bigger picture. Rudy was going to win the terrorist war and now he won't even win Boca Raton. Bloomberg is going to lead us to new wealth but instead his running for the highest office in the land will stop the "change" everyone is calling for and keep the country on a path of ruin.
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