Or is it the Long House? The Log Cabin? The rebirth of the Beehive House in Salt Lake City? Or if we boil it down, sexual heaven for some perverted middle age men?
I mean what is going on down in San Angelo, Texas? It is hard to pin down all the facts. Was there this anonymous sixteen year old girl who telephoned for help? Are there girls, as young as thirteen and fourteen being forced to marry and have sex with these men? Is is true that some of the sex act is watched as it is performed within the Temple?
Obviously, it will take time for the truth to come out. But to see the images across the newspaper and on TV? When was the last time that women wore clothing like that - 1880? Is there something sacred and holy about that time period?
We are blessed in this country to have freedom to pursue our concepts of God and the afterlife. But when some of these so called "religions" prey upon the unformed and trusting minds and bodies of the young, then someone has to step in. Many were upset with the way Waco played out. Many will be upset with the way the Texas authorities have pried over four hundred children from the arms of their "loving" mothers.
But what mother, in her right mind, would subject her female children to the horrors that await them once they reach puberty. And what woman, would allow herself to distill the essence of her being to a machine that pumps out babies.
A line has been crossed. No one in Texas's government wanted
this job. But it has been thrust upon the judge, a host of lawyers, and the local and state police to right a wrong and protect the innocent. Some will see this as another intrusion of a government hellbent on taking away guns, shutting down churches, and following a path of political correctness. Do not be misled. See yourself in the shoes of these young ones. Think about the future they will have faced in that Texas compound.
Our system is not perfect but it works. Religion is not religion when the people caught in it can not think for themselves. Let us applaud the tough and heartbreaking job being done by our government in the dusty Texas prairie.
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