Four current hot news stories. Four very logical results. So what did you think would happen?
* Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) becomes sexual. So? Isn't this the same route that most pretty cable TV kid show stars follow? Miley sat for a photo shoot with world famous photographer, Anne Leibovitz, and lo and behold, she is peering out at us with a lot of skin and a provocative look. Hey, she is all of fifteen and one can't stay pigeon holed in that tween universe forever! What does shock, is the physical nature of the photo she took with her singing dad, Billy Ray.
* Reverend Jeremiah Wright is close to moving in to new suburban Chicago digs. The now famous/infamous preacher will be residing in retirement splendor in a 10,000 square foot, $1.6 million home. So after all those years preaching about the poor and disenfranchised, the good reverend will be getting his monetary rewards. After Senator Obama continued to support his one time spiritual mentor, it only made sense that Rev. Wright would turn out (at least at this late part of his life) to be an ego driven soul who hogged the limelight this past weekend in various televised speeches designed to one up the aspiring young senator. And of course, his new house will be locked from the rest of his congregation in an exclusive gated community.
* Deborah Jeanne Palfrey commits suicide in Florida. Maybe the name does not ring a bell but her working title, the "D.C. Madam" probably does. Palfrey was waiting to start a prison sentence and the weight of her problems and the fear of being jailed got the best of her. This woman grabbed headlines a year ago, claiming to have the hot list of horny elected officials who used her company's services. Besides Senator David Vitter and a few other lesser lights, the D.C. Madam's clientele was not particularly "A" list material. Unfortunately, reality superseded her moments of fame, and she is now gone from all of us.
* The gray wolf were recently delisted from the Endangered Species Act by the "pro-environment" Bush administration. With a whopping 1,500 wolves existing in the large states of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, the government caved in to the hunter lust that permeates some of the pro-gun persuasion. Each state has taken steps to ease the right of hunters to shoot and kill the beautiful and intelligent creatures. Now the environmental lobby is going full bore to reverse the ruling before the wolves once again face extinction and the government will be forced to spend millions of dollars to help the animal.
A busy but predictable day in a nation preoccupied with everything but a war that daily kills innocent Iraqis and brave American soldiers. But then again, what did you think would happen when a nation was told exactly five years ago that the war was a "mission accomplished"?
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