Dear Senator Obama,
Let's get right to the point. Do the right thing. Give us Hillary. Swallow your pride. Lick your wounds. Get up off the mat and get with the program. Enough with the nuanced answers. Hillary is a lion and not only will she be a strong voice for you but she will help you find your own voice.
McCain has been hammering you with celebrity nonsense. He has his minions hinting that you are really not like most of us. He is playing a veiled race card. You combine that with the lack of familiarity that many Americans have with you and it is not hard to see why the polls are getting tighter.
You have been playing games for far too long with this nomination. A great majority of Americans are ready to move away from the Bush years. They do want to embrace your change. But you are not giving them enough reassurance. You are looking too political. You are being a bit arrogant by laughing off the opposition's attacks. Sure Senators Bayh and Biden are credible vice-presidential picks but the air will be let out of the balloon if you choose them.
Get deep within yourself. For once, let go of those professorial mental gymnastics and give us real passion. Oh, we see that in those wonderful speeches. Yeah, but those are getting old. You looked a bit flustered and not with it in Reverend Warren's church the other night. The older guy actually looked like he wanted the presidency more than you did.
So now you are about to make your first real decision. A choice that will ultimately lead you to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or back to your Chicago home. Make history. Rally the troops. Give us our red meat. Give us Hillary.
Hillary has proven to be a real fighter. She will be the ultimate attack dog against the crap the GOP has been throwing your way. Nothing will escape her (and Bill). She warned you that there is nothing like the war the Republicans would engage you in. Have you had enough already? It seems like you cannot do this on your own. Kerry couldn't, neither Dukakis, and unfortunately Gore.
The Clintons know how to get down and dirty. And if you do not know by now that the election will be wrestled in the mud then maybe you do not deserve to be our leader. Stop trying to calculate how one VP pick could help in this or that state. Screw all that and give us Hillary.
Hillary will be loyal to you. She will get you back the entire feminist vote. She will get you much of the Jewish vote (hello Florida!). She will up your numbers with Hispanics. She will get those wavering Reagan Democrats back in your column.
Oh, she and her husband have all that baggage. Well, they know how to win. Her campaign froze after Super Tuesday and you took advantage. But look at what happened in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas, and many of the other late deciding primary states. She kicked butt. Now harness that energy and pick this dynamic woman.
Senator Obama, you have come this far. You have to be tasting victory. You have to be imagining what it will be like to have your beautiful wife and children residing in that big White House. But all that you are dreaming for for this nation and yourself will not take place if you do not win. You have only seen just a preview of what the enemy will throw your way in the weeks and months to come.
Senator Obama, do not gamble with our future. Secure the victory. Raise the roof. Give us Hillary.
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