Friday, September 7, 2007

Who Has Family Values?

The old adage is practice what you preach. Why? So that when you point out a problem/concern about someone else, that person should be able to look to you as an example. Jesus was aware of this. He said not to chastise your neighbor if you yourself were just as guilty. With this common knowledge it is amazing how many Republican leaders continue to paint themselves as virtuous family men while chiding the Democrats for destroying the traditional family structure. The last I looked, the top three Democratic presidential candidates were still married to their original spouses and have been so for a long time. Obama, Clinton, and Edwards have preserved their nuclear families. John Edwards' situation is particularly poignant as Elizabeth is in the final throes of cancer. Even Hillary is a champion of the family as she refused to leave/divorce from philandering Bill. Whatever her motive, she has preserved her marriage and is an excellent mother. Meanwhile those who proudly and publicly call out their virtuous ideas to the nation seem to fall short in this area. Rudy Giuliani is on wife number three and from what many can ascertain has little to do with his children. John McCain is a divorced man who married someone younger. Newly minted candidate, Fred Thompson got his high school sweetheart pregnant, did marry her, but also ended up in divorce. Thompson was famous in Washington circles for escorting many younger women and now is married to Jeri, who is twenty-five years younger. There are others but I do not want to belabor the point. Going back to Jesus, he said to pray and do your good deeds silently and in private. Politicians and political movements who beat their chests and loudly claim righteousness need to look in the mirror and see their own reality.

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