Could any novelist in his or her wildest imaginations surpass or even come close to the strange realities that have hit all of us these past few months? The stories, straight out of the world of living real beings, were once the staples of fictionalized conceptions thought up by writers great and small. But now, almost on a daily basis, we are being bombarded with truths that hit us right where we live. Any writer would give his right arm to hit such powerful connections to his readers. Just a review of some of the more recent revelations:
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer is found to have had a rendezvous with a high priced call girl. This story takes on added significance as Spitzer has been seen as the cleanest of all politicos, is the governor of the mighty Empire State, and is a close confidant of presidential candidate Hilary Clinton.
Super pitcher and good old boy Roger Clemens is under increasing suspicion of using steroids and lying under oath about it. Beyond his fame and greatness, Clemens is done in by his Yankee teammate and fellow Texan Andy Pettitte. Pettitte, another super clean guy, admits to using illegal substances himself.
After waiting hundreds of years, a major political party is poised to nominate a minority candidate - an African-American or a woman. But the celebration turns into a slow death march as party voters can't make up their minds on who to support, literally splitting their votes in half and prolonging the race seemingly forever.
Florida, the state that allowed George W. Bush to begin his ill-fated presidency, has become a major stumbling block in resolving the Obama-Clinton stalemate. No matter how the leading Dems cut a deal with Florida on its delegates, the primary process will always be considered tainted by the candidate who falls by the wayside.
Day after day we have been going on with these stories. What will tomorrow bring?
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