Wasn't she dead already? (figuratively speaking!)I mean, who has heard anything from Geraldine Ferraro? Sometime in the summer of 1984 Geraldine was picked by Walter Mondale to jump start his ill fated campaign. But just as we were getting used to the woman from Forest Hills, New York word leaked out about financial improprieties involving her husband and well, as will all remember, everything went downhill from there. By the time November turned around most of us had had our fill of Ferraro. And now out of nowhere, she has returned.
How sad that Ferraro's second turn on stage has turned out to be as poor as her first one. Ferraro gave an interview to the tiny Torrance, California Daily Breeze newspaper in which she compared her selection as Mondale's veep to Barack Obama's sudden rise in the presidential sweepstakes. She knew then and revealed the truth again, that the only reason she was on the Democratic ticket was because of her gender. Taking things a step further, Ferraro insinuated that the only plausible reason that Obama was doing so good was the color of his skin. Thus Obama, according to Ferraro, was in now way suitable at this time to become president.
There might be truths to some of Ferraro's argument, but a deeper thinking career politician would realize that comments about race would distract from the message of the candidate who one supported; in this case, Hillary Clinton. Clinton has now spent two entire days dealing with the fallout of the woman who has not been on the public radar for over twenty-three years. With every second precious in a campaign that is nip and tuck, Clinton and her handlers must wish that the coffin had not been opened and that this figure from the days of Democratic doom had not reemerged.
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