Isn't it enough already that we can't have more than a few seconds after a major speech, press conference, or debate before the pundits and so called experts fill the airwaves with their opinions. It would be nice to have the news broadcasts summarize what has just taken place and perhaps go to a justly deserved few minutes of commercial time so that when they go back on the air our heads would be a bit clearer and we would own our thoughts before the TV starts to fill in the contours of our brain. Wouldn't it?
But perhaps just asking for some space after the debate is now a quaint idea. Because CNN has gone a step further by having a series of red and blue targets put around the debate screen so we can see how various types of viewers are responding in real time to what they see and hear from the candidates. No longer are we allowed to wait to the end of the debate for others' opinions to shape us but in this not too brave world, CNN has decided that we must be bombarded instantly with the political ebb and flow.
The debates we watch are not really debates - most of us know that already. They are akin to two candidates sitting around on Meet The Press and answering prefabricated questions with prefabricated answers. There is little chance for oratorical greatness and true give and take between the two combatants without the guidance of the anointed host.
But at least we have been able to sit back and make our own judgments from the safety of our living rooms. We can discuss what we are seeing with our families and friends and for a moment or two suspend the jockeying for leadership in the presidential horse race. Now even the sanctity of our homes have been invaded with those annoying shape shifting targets that let us know if viewers are annoyed because candidate A was picking his nose or candidate B did not look directly at his opponent.
CNN claims to have the "best political team on TV" as Wolf Blitzer continually harps about. But with the advent of this incredibly intrusive technology they no longer deserve to be seen while the actual debate is taking place. One would be wise to turn to CSPAN where old fashioned is still in and there is still a sense that all of this means something. Instead of turning the debate into a sports spectacle, CSPAN still allows its cameras to roll and we get to watch Jim Lehrer explain the in-house rules to the audience and we watch a debate totally free from any bias.
Ultimately, the debate is about who won and who lost and who gained enough momentum to carry on to victory. But between the millions of ads and the hundred of paid buffoons who spin everything for the cameras, it would be nice to have a ninety minute time frame where words do matter and we get to sit with our thoughts and think intelligently about who we would want as the next president.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Decide Already

Every election cycle it comes down to the same thing. Hard core Republicans choose life and family issues and rally around their candidate. Left leaning Democrats see government as a help towards the bettering of the lives of the lower and middle classes and enthusiastically follow their nominee. And a growing number of so called "Independents" sit on the sidelines and act like they need to know more about each candidate and pontificate that they wish someone else was running and refuse to commit to the last moment.
If anything was apparent from the first presidential debate held Friday night it was that there are stark differences in the two contenders. For anyone looking for something new there was nothing there. Both stuck to their well worn ideas; ideas that have now been out there for over a year and a half. Anyone who has had even a passing interest in the election already know where the two men stand. McCain is going to clean up Washington, give tax breaks to the corporations, and will fight America's enemies over there. Obama wants to expand health care for most people, pursue alternative energies, and end the conflict in Iraq. Nothing new was sounded at the debate.
So the question is who are these undecideds (the new buzz word for them is the "persuadables")? And why can't they make up their minds?
For one, many might be following CNN's Lou Dobbs, who recently held his virtual reality "Independent Convention". In Dobbs' view, all problems are so simple. There is an immigration problem so build a wall that reaches to heaven. Take care of the problems at home by totally withdrawing from the world. Fix education with a strong dose of the three R's. But life is much more complex and like them or not, the candidates of the major parties realize that there are millions of people in competing camps over every issue. A skilled politician (leader) must bring many from all sides together to form a consensus.
A second reason, is that labels are out. Being a donkey or elephant is so last year. Be free to pursue whatever you want. Well we have just gone through a few years of this total freedom from rules lifestyle and have now been hit with the ongoing Wall Street crisis. People do not realize that their acceptance of tainted mortgage contracts when they had such little personal equity has now led to a foreclosure meltdown where the greedy lenders have been left holding the bag. A I'll get mine and the hell with everyone else mindset is not the way to function if our nation is to thrive.
Finally, most of us would like those fifteen minutes of fame. As Election Day draws nearer and the debates march on, who are the networks going to ask to be part of their focus groups? Obviously, those who seem not to be partisan and are undecided. Like we mentioned above, can anyone this late in the game truly not know who he or she is going to vote for? That is why the best thing to do is change the channel when these inane debate watchers are being interviewed. It is always the same. So and so seems to be so presidential. So and so seems to really know the facts. So and so seems to be such a strong leader. Please give us all a break. Cut the bull, choose a candidate, and go about your business. And after the election be counted and register for the party that best represents your interests.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
presidental campaign
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
A Pox On All Houses
Tear it all up and start all over again. Let the nukes fall where they may as long as the bombing takes place far from America's shores. Wall Street be damned. Brokerage houses, banks, and the established money market can all fail as long as the man on Main Street receives his just recompense. The icebergs can melt and the polar bears can drift off and drown as long as we can get oil for our gas guzzling SUV's. The abortionists, the college elite, and the gays better head for Canada because there is no place for them in this new USA.
These are the sentiments of a growing number of Americans fed up with the ways things are. Salaries are down, prices are up, paying the monthly mortgage is problematic, and the Islamic fascists are growing despite two wars in the Middle East. Maybe, just maybe, it is time for a new revolution where God and guns are given equal value, church attendance would become compulsory, and everyone would stop their education after the twelfth grade.
It is this anti-government, anti-science, anti-liberal, and anti-international opinion that John McCain is ultimately trying to tap into. He has decided to run not as a traditional Republican but as a loose cannon, anything goes, wild west independent. Wall Street is not working so why not fire the bums who caused all the problems. Those terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan need to be ultimately wiped out so why not embark on a one hundred year crusade. And to show up the elite Ivy snobs, why not install the woman from the last frontier to stick it to everyone.
If you look closely at this election it is not hard to see that McCain is running a radical, populist, almost revolutionary right wing campaign. He really is the change agent that will tear down the system that we have now. Of course what will replace it is another thing altogether. McCain increasingly desperate to win the presidency is cobbling together any and all wacko concepts that appeal to the fears that many are now feeling.
It is an interesting twist that ultimately the one who started out on a campaign for change is the true conservative. Obama almost definitely will tweak the military, economic, and governmental engines but embrace what is out there nonetheless. He will protect the minorities, the educational system, and the gay population from the unknowns that could easily boil up from the hate spewing McCain-Palin team.
Obama is the nuanced thinking man who will attempt to bring everyone together to preserve the American way of life that has been with us at least since the days of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930's. McCain is the wild man who with the help of his Alaskan running mate will destroy the steps that have been taken towards cleaning up our environment, reaching cultural acceptance for our diverse population, and bringing an end to the unpopular Iraq war.
As the economic crisis continues the question will be how many are willing to chuck the institutions that have been leaned on for so many generations to bring such bounty to this country. Those who rail against the eastern establishment and the so called big government folks will hold much of this election in their hands.
These are the sentiments of a growing number of Americans fed up with the ways things are. Salaries are down, prices are up, paying the monthly mortgage is problematic, and the Islamic fascists are growing despite two wars in the Middle East. Maybe, just maybe, it is time for a new revolution where God and guns are given equal value, church attendance would become compulsory, and everyone would stop their education after the twelfth grade.
It is this anti-government, anti-science, anti-liberal, and anti-international opinion that John McCain is ultimately trying to tap into. He has decided to run not as a traditional Republican but as a loose cannon, anything goes, wild west independent. Wall Street is not working so why not fire the bums who caused all the problems. Those terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan need to be ultimately wiped out so why not embark on a one hundred year crusade. And to show up the elite Ivy snobs, why not install the woman from the last frontier to stick it to everyone.
If you look closely at this election it is not hard to see that McCain is running a radical, populist, almost revolutionary right wing campaign. He really is the change agent that will tear down the system that we have now. Of course what will replace it is another thing altogether. McCain increasingly desperate to win the presidency is cobbling together any and all wacko concepts that appeal to the fears that many are now feeling.
It is an interesting twist that ultimately the one who started out on a campaign for change is the true conservative. Obama almost definitely will tweak the military, economic, and governmental engines but embrace what is out there nonetheless. He will protect the minorities, the educational system, and the gay population from the unknowns that could easily boil up from the hate spewing McCain-Palin team.
Obama is the nuanced thinking man who will attempt to bring everyone together to preserve the American way of life that has been with us at least since the days of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930's. McCain is the wild man who with the help of his Alaskan running mate will destroy the steps that have been taken towards cleaning up our environment, reaching cultural acceptance for our diverse population, and bringing an end to the unpopular Iraq war.
As the economic crisis continues the question will be how many are willing to chuck the institutions that have been leaned on for so many generations to bring such bounty to this country. Those who rail against the eastern establishment and the so called big government folks will hold much of this election in their hands.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
presidental campaign,
Sarah Palin
Friday, September 19, 2008
McCain Quits
Dateline: Harrisburg, PA Friday October 24 10:30 am
Event: McCain-Palin Joint Rally in front of state capital
First Speaker: Sarah Palin
Thanks to all of you for coming out today. We all know how important this election is. Oh, I see that NRA sign over there. Yes, no one is going to take away our hunting rights. You know, my favorite food is fresh moose stew. I also see those drilling signs. C'mon everybody, Drill, Baby, Drill! Drill! All we have to do is get that Alaska oil pumping and our problems ...
John McCain grabs the microphone from Governor Palin. He interrupts her and asks her to sit down.
Second Speaker: John McCain
I'm sorry to be so rude with Sarah but I can't go on anymore. You know I once was known as the straight shooter. A guy who would tell the truth no matter the consequences. This has always been my guiding principle. It helped me get through that prison experience, my failed first marriage, the Keating loan scandal, and so many other tough situations.
For the past ten days or so I have come to realize many truths. I no longer can look myself in the mirror. Perhaps there were those who pressured me and hijacked my campaign for this most noble of positions. But I can't blame anyone but myself. If I was to be the leader of this great nation then I know that the buck really does stop with me.
So here in Harrisburg in front of all you fine folks who have come out and given up your day of work I want to level with you. I have grown ashamed of this campaign. The lies that have been heaped upon my rival, Senator Obama. The racial innuendo that has crept into my media messages. The simplistic slogans that my running mate has been leading you into. The truth is, that the energy crisis is a lot deeper than the small amount of oil we can get from Alaska and offshore. It is not worth the effort to our beautiful environment and those creatures that inhabit it. None of this oil will eat the market for years to come and will not effect you for at least a decade.
It has been exciting going from town to town talking to so many Americans. But my friends, I am in my early seventies and I now know that I do not have that bounce and stamina that I once had. To think that if I can't give my all to you how unfair that would be. And as much as I have come to enjoy my running mate's positive can-do spirit, I also know that there is no way that she is ready to run this country. If something should happen to me, well, I think many of you get my point.
I will be forever branded and hated by many of my Republican friends for what I am going to say but I am urging all of you to vote for my Democratic opponents, Misters Obama and Biden. They have shown themselves to be fair campaigners and will be honest leaders. Our ticket has run out of any reasons to continue and I love this country too much not to support them and therefore I am going to withdraw from this protracted battle.
Obviously, my name will still be on all ballots. But I am going to direct my campaign leaders to pull all ads and stop all expenditures. I am no longer the man I once was but I want to know that I did the right thing...
Governor Palin takes the microphone.
Isn't this what we have been waiting for. Vote for McCain and I will take over for him and create an America...
Finally, McCain wrests the mic away from Palin.
Sarah, go back to Alaska and finish out your term. Go back to the wilderness and leave the leadership of our precious nation to those trained and ready to govern...
Cindy McCain starts to shake a seemingly disturbed John McCain who is evidently experiencing a bad dream.
My darling, what is bothering you so much? C'mon, get up. We have breakfast planned with Todd and Sarah and then we are on to that rally at the state capitol building.
John looks up at his wife and his sour demeanor gives way to a mischievous smile.
Don't worry honey. I'm okay today and boy, do I have a surprise for everyone.
(Mr. Straight Talk Express please heed the call and follow the dream and let our country move on to a glorious new phase where for the first time in many years we can be truly united as we tackle the tough problems befuddling America.)
Event: McCain-Palin Joint Rally in front of state capital
First Speaker: Sarah Palin
Thanks to all of you for coming out today. We all know how important this election is. Oh, I see that NRA sign over there. Yes, no one is going to take away our hunting rights. You know, my favorite food is fresh moose stew. I also see those drilling signs. C'mon everybody, Drill, Baby, Drill! Drill! All we have to do is get that Alaska oil pumping and our problems ...
John McCain grabs the microphone from Governor Palin. He interrupts her and asks her to sit down.
Second Speaker: John McCain
I'm sorry to be so rude with Sarah but I can't go on anymore. You know I once was known as the straight shooter. A guy who would tell the truth no matter the consequences. This has always been my guiding principle. It helped me get through that prison experience, my failed first marriage, the Keating loan scandal, and so many other tough situations.
For the past ten days or so I have come to realize many truths. I no longer can look myself in the mirror. Perhaps there were those who pressured me and hijacked my campaign for this most noble of positions. But I can't blame anyone but myself. If I was to be the leader of this great nation then I know that the buck really does stop with me.
So here in Harrisburg in front of all you fine folks who have come out and given up your day of work I want to level with you. I have grown ashamed of this campaign. The lies that have been heaped upon my rival, Senator Obama. The racial innuendo that has crept into my media messages. The simplistic slogans that my running mate has been leading you into. The truth is, that the energy crisis is a lot deeper than the small amount of oil we can get from Alaska and offshore. It is not worth the effort to our beautiful environment and those creatures that inhabit it. None of this oil will eat the market for years to come and will not effect you for at least a decade.
It has been exciting going from town to town talking to so many Americans. But my friends, I am in my early seventies and I now know that I do not have that bounce and stamina that I once had. To think that if I can't give my all to you how unfair that would be. And as much as I have come to enjoy my running mate's positive can-do spirit, I also know that there is no way that she is ready to run this country. If something should happen to me, well, I think many of you get my point.
I will be forever branded and hated by many of my Republican friends for what I am going to say but I am urging all of you to vote for my Democratic opponents, Misters Obama and Biden. They have shown themselves to be fair campaigners and will be honest leaders. Our ticket has run out of any reasons to continue and I love this country too much not to support them and therefore I am going to withdraw from this protracted battle.
Obviously, my name will still be on all ballots. But I am going to direct my campaign leaders to pull all ads and stop all expenditures. I am no longer the man I once was but I want to know that I did the right thing...
Governor Palin takes the microphone.
Isn't this what we have been waiting for. Vote for McCain and I will take over for him and create an America...
Finally, McCain wrests the mic away from Palin.
Sarah, go back to Alaska and finish out your term. Go back to the wilderness and leave the leadership of our precious nation to those trained and ready to govern...
Cindy McCain starts to shake a seemingly disturbed John McCain who is evidently experiencing a bad dream.
My darling, what is bothering you so much? C'mon, get up. We have breakfast planned with Todd and Sarah and then we are on to that rally at the state capitol building.
John looks up at his wife and his sour demeanor gives way to a mischievous smile.
Don't worry honey. I'm okay today and boy, do I have a surprise for everyone.
(Mr. Straight Talk Express please heed the call and follow the dream and let our country move on to a glorious new phase where for the first time in many years we can be truly united as we tackle the tough problems befuddling America.)
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
presidental campaign,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Mugging Of John McCain

What exactly are they doing to John McCain? The so called straight talker and maverick of Washington is looking more and more like a smiling version of Dick Cheney. The man who pleaded for honesty and decency in campaigning is following every move in the Karl Rove playbook.
Something happened to McCain during the Democratic Convention. The polls were pretty close to even but someone on his strategy committee had to have shown him that the "fundamentals" of the election were not in his favor. The economy was in the doldrums and the wars in the Middle East had no end in sight. Democratic registration and enthusiasm and fund raising were through the roof. Defeat was inevitable.
McCain is known as a lone wolf. He is hard headed and certain about his ways of doing things. So why at that moment when the Democrats were meeting in Denver did McCain give in to the neocons and the fundamentalist religious right and change directions?
Why would he pick the unknown Sarah Palin? The real John McCain had to believe in his heart of hearts that she was no way prepared for Washington, DC. Not a shrinking violet, but McCain also became convinced that he might as well throw out that old kitchen sink and attack Obama with lie after lie. Why did this once honorable man become so convinced that he had to run against himself to gain the White House?
One has to wonder if the addition of Karl Rove henchman, Steve Schmidt, was the beginning of a change for the McCain campaign. Surrounded by a new group of radical advisers who would not stop at anything to gain power, McCain became cornered. Joe Lieberman and the rest of the America first foreign policy folks got into McCain's brain and won him over to their extreme positions. McCain could not have made the decision by himself to pick Governor Palin. Christian leaders like James Dobson must have had input on this new darling of the Evangelical movement.
So a moment of crisis was reached. Remember that Palin was essentially picked before Obama's incredible Thursday night speech. McCain had to decide if he would lose honorably (like a Bob Dole) or come out swinging in one last attempt at the prize he had eyed for so long. Money and important endorsements were being held from him if he did not give in to these powerful Republican forces. The maverick faced the reality that his go it alone ways would seal his doom. He looked into his soul and made a deal to give himself up to the political operatives who so masterfully lied and defeated both Gore and Kerry. It was the way of truth or the way of deceit that McCain had to choose from. Mugged from the right, the Arizona senator chose the dishonorable course.
Under his new direction, McCain still might win the presidency. But at what cost to a nation teetering on the abyss and to his own personal values is an answer that we will have to reckon with in the not too distant future.
John McCain,
presidental campaign,
Sarah Palin
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A Time For Truth
Ironically, it might have been the anti-religious HBO TV host, Bill Maher, who has best put this election into the proper context. On his most recent "Real Time" episode, Maher explained to his guests that it was time to separate the political (i.e. winning strategies) from the truth (i.e. what is best for America).
On CNN, a similar appeal was made by Harvard trained legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. Exasperated by the turn of events in the tone of the presidential campaign he told viewers that it was time for journalists to tell the truth whether people wanted to hear it or not.
Continuing this theme of turning to television for wisdom, we also should mention Stephen Colbert. For Colbert has seen through the political bull for a long time. His entire show is premised upon the concept of "truthiness" where those in power wantonly disregard real truth and throw out claims with no reference to reality or fact knowing that there is a large portion of the American public who are easily swayed by such nonsense.
With lies coming so quickly (yes, often from both sides) and the mantle of religion, morality, and a specific brand of Christianity coming from the Republican Right, we should heed the calls to step outside the bounds of the presidential horse race and face the reality that truth should triumph in this election for the good of us all.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul exhorts, "... whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, ...whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue...think on these things."
With the addition of Bible believing, Evangelical church going Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket, there has been a surge of support and enthusiasm among those who claim a similar view of Jesus. Right or wrong, Palin seems to have a spiritual (and for many a gender and racial and class) connection with this large bloc of voters. No matter how she has performed in the past or how she answers questions in an interview series with ABC, she is seen as the champion of God's causes and the natural pick for Vice-President.
To most Evangelicals, it is imperative that their lives and words reflect God in order to win converts to their side. This is an admirable quality for a group of people who feel they have found Jesus and have the gift of eternal life. But in their zest to win over the unsaved, some may have lost the essence of their Christianity.
God is holy. God is love. God is truth. Whether at the daily work place, in school, at home, or in the arena of politics, a real Christian must reflect these time honored virtues. No one can doubt Sarah Palin's sincerity and life long commitment to her religion. But as she continues her rapid ascent from mayor to governor and perhaps on to Washington, D.C., all of us must suspend our inner prejudices and judge who she is by the only standard we have in these important presidential elections - truth.
Thus, when Palin tells Charlie Gibson that she was always for the "Bridge to Nowhere" when all evidence proves this assertion false, she comes short of the truth. She says she is against earmarks knowing that Alaska is in a unique position and must depend upon such money gathering. When she attempts to speak around the question of the "Bush Doctrine" without honestly saying she does not quite understand the definition, she is being ingenious. We admire her son's decision to join the conflict in Iraq yet she demonstrates no real understanding of the underlying causes of the war by telling the assembled troops in Alaska that they are going overseas to avenge the destruction of September 11.
Politically, Palin might have escaped unscathed from this first set of interviews. She was sometimes forthright, direct, and is always able to connect with the television viewer. But, in this time of trouble, politics as usual must be set aside. Truth is the measure of a candidate's ability. Truth is what is needed to avoid another eight years of a leader who although he went to church and prayed, was not ever prepared to be the President. This political choice by the American people resulted in Iraq, Katrina, and an economic destruction that is ripping away the pillars of our nation.
This is a call for all of us, Christian and non-Christian, black, Hispanic, white, and Asian, male and female, rich and poor, John McCain and Sarah Palin, to look to God, seek for truth and vote for what is best for this nation and the world. Anything short of that will bring continued catastrophe.
On CNN, a similar appeal was made by Harvard trained legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. Exasperated by the turn of events in the tone of the presidential campaign he told viewers that it was time for journalists to tell the truth whether people wanted to hear it or not.
Continuing this theme of turning to television for wisdom, we also should mention Stephen Colbert. For Colbert has seen through the political bull for a long time. His entire show is premised upon the concept of "truthiness" where those in power wantonly disregard real truth and throw out claims with no reference to reality or fact knowing that there is a large portion of the American public who are easily swayed by such nonsense.
With lies coming so quickly (yes, often from both sides) and the mantle of religion, morality, and a specific brand of Christianity coming from the Republican Right, we should heed the calls to step outside the bounds of the presidential horse race and face the reality that truth should triumph in this election for the good of us all.
In his letter to the Philippians, Paul exhorts, "... whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, ...whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue...think on these things."
With the addition of Bible believing, Evangelical church going Sarah Palin to the McCain ticket, there has been a surge of support and enthusiasm among those who claim a similar view of Jesus. Right or wrong, Palin seems to have a spiritual (and for many a gender and racial and class) connection with this large bloc of voters. No matter how she has performed in the past or how she answers questions in an interview series with ABC, she is seen as the champion of God's causes and the natural pick for Vice-President.
To most Evangelicals, it is imperative that their lives and words reflect God in order to win converts to their side. This is an admirable quality for a group of people who feel they have found Jesus and have the gift of eternal life. But in their zest to win over the unsaved, some may have lost the essence of their Christianity.
God is holy. God is love. God is truth. Whether at the daily work place, in school, at home, or in the arena of politics, a real Christian must reflect these time honored virtues. No one can doubt Sarah Palin's sincerity and life long commitment to her religion. But as she continues her rapid ascent from mayor to governor and perhaps on to Washington, D.C., all of us must suspend our inner prejudices and judge who she is by the only standard we have in these important presidential elections - truth.
Thus, when Palin tells Charlie Gibson that she was always for the "Bridge to Nowhere" when all evidence proves this assertion false, she comes short of the truth. She says she is against earmarks knowing that Alaska is in a unique position and must depend upon such money gathering. When she attempts to speak around the question of the "Bush Doctrine" without honestly saying she does not quite understand the definition, she is being ingenious. We admire her son's decision to join the conflict in Iraq yet she demonstrates no real understanding of the underlying causes of the war by telling the assembled troops in Alaska that they are going overseas to avenge the destruction of September 11.
Politically, Palin might have escaped unscathed from this first set of interviews. She was sometimes forthright, direct, and is always able to connect with the television viewer. But, in this time of trouble, politics as usual must be set aside. Truth is the measure of a candidate's ability. Truth is what is needed to avoid another eight years of a leader who although he went to church and prayed, was not ever prepared to be the President. This political choice by the American people resulted in Iraq, Katrina, and an economic destruction that is ripping away the pillars of our nation.
This is a call for all of us, Christian and non-Christian, black, Hispanic, white, and Asian, male and female, rich and poor, John McCain and Sarah Palin, to look to God, seek for truth and vote for what is best for this nation and the world. Anything short of that will bring continued catastrophe.
John McCain,
presidental campaign,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Barack Huxtable vs. John McCain Brady
If everything was just so neat and easy. Obviously, Barack, Michelle, and those two adorable children are the twenty-first century Huxtables. Good looking, law abiding, upwardly mobile, urbane African-Americans. Examples to both their own people and the rest of America as to how inner city blacks can put away poverty and reach the upper middle class. A real American success story.
But life is just not that simple. Up against our modern Huxtable show is another program. This one features John and Sarah Brady. You know, a lovable white middle class family. One that looks and acts like so many of the majority white population. There is grandpa patriarch John and his stunning wife, Cindy. Sarah and Todd have a bit of a malfunctioning family that still manages to go to church every Sunday, enjoy the great outdoors, and are content to live within their accepted social status. No going on to Harvard for their children. One is so patriotic that he joined the Army right out of high school while another is having a baby while still in school. And to make things a bit more exciting there is Sarah's sister who takes refuge in the house from a mean spirited husband.
The older John and the younger Sarah are the stars of this new Brady show. They are tough when they have to be and yet so easy to relate to. Especially to the majority white population. TV executives are always looking to reach the desired demographics. The Huxtables are dominating with fellow African-Americans, professional cosmopolitan types, and the college age that always looks for ways to act different from their parents. The Bradys still draw higher ratings because for all its diversity, the nation's TV viewers still skew older, small town, and overly white.
If things were just so simple, we could understand how these two shows would split the ratings with the Bradys perhaps having a bit of an edge. But life is more complicated than that. The folks behind the Bradys were in a panic because the original pilot featuring John and Cindy was not drawing much of a buzz. So back to the drawing board they went and came up with the idea of adding another family to the show. Now this blended family that stretches from seventy-two year old John all the way to newcomer baby Trig has the opportunity to reach all ages. Their new found love of guns and God reach the church demographic. Their home in the Alaska wilderness sits well with those who used to watch Little House On The PraiCrie.
What can the Huxtables do to regain the lead? Not much. If they spice things up and have one of their daughters become pregnant all the fun will come out of the show as viewers will be reminded about the lack of morals that inner city folks supposedly lack. If they give up those hard won jobs that both Barack and Michelle have gained they will look just like so many other African Americans that did not try in school. If they get angry and point out the lack of thinking, sophistication, and utter regard for the underclass that the Bradys exhibit, white viewers will increasingly become scared at the angry black Barack and never turn to that channel again.
Barack and Michelle Huxtable are cute and intelligent blacks. But really, do you want them on your boob tube day after day? Wouldn't you, Mr. and Mrs. white viewer, want someone who is no better than you, someone who you share so much with, someone who you can so easily relate to, to be in your home for the next four years? Wouldn't you?
Friday, September 5, 2008
The American Family

The Republicans have found a new way to focus attention on this election. Issues be damned. Who wants to think about all those pressing problems like high prices, mortgage payments, health care bills, terrorism, wars, and global warming to name just a few. No, what voters want is to feel a close affinity with the next presidential team. Remember in 2004 the real issue boiled down to who would be more fun to go out and drink a beer with - Kerry or Bush. The effete Kerry was no match for the former hard drinking Bush.
The GOP strategists realized that the McCain family could not be the Brady Bunch for the new century. John and his wife had older children (including a child adopted that was non white). That would not be the ticket. So now John and Cindy are taking on the role of the Mertzes and Sarah and Todd are the new Ricardos.
And what a family they are. Just like you and me. Gun toting folks who actually go out to the woods and shoot their own dinner. Die hard snowmobilers. Active parents who still are having children well into their forties. And to trump everything, a teenage daughter who is pregnant and will most likely get hitched as soon as she graduates from high school.
You see, the Palins are "The American Family". They are not black like that other couple. They did not go on to snooty Ivy League schools for educational enlightenment. (Gosh, it doesn't look like any of their kids want to go to college anyway). They are ravenous meat eaters while Michelle and Barack seem oh so picky about their diet. Yeah, they have two cute daughters, but they decided to put up stakes in a leafy Chicago neighborhood that most of us could not buy into.
The Republicans win elections because they have mastered the art of ethnic identification. The country can lose its moorings, thousands can die in a war, millions can lose their homes, and the air that most of us breathe causes all types of sickness. But what the heck? The President can't fix everything.
The advisers around McCain have found their way. They know that Sarah and Todd are relating to so many. Don't most families have pregnant daughters? Don't most families have children from ages 0 to 20 living in one house? Life is hard and the Palins are living proof. No fancy cars, college scholarship funds, or balanced eating plans for this family. Like Bush, the majority of Americans would much rather hang out at the hockey rink with Sarah and company than go to an urban playground and shoot hoops with Barack.
We could only wish that people would wake up to this ploy and realize the opportunity they will be kissing away if they elect McCain and his Northern Exposure partner. Perhaps, the Republicans might panic if the polls don't consistently show them with the best chance of winning this election. Children, guns, and pregnancy might not be enough to reach every American. So could the Palins stretch things out for just a short month or two? Maybe a new revelation that one of their children is gay? That would reach a new demographic. A little drunken driving episode (oh that already happened).
You get the idea. Use the Palins as the ultimate reality show. Keep the ratings up for the next sixty days. Fill the tabloids with all this junk and keep clearer minds from seeking the truth. Hey, what a way to win an election!
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
presidential campaign,
Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Juno For (Vice) President
She was a hit in Wichita, Peoria, and Spokane. She was sassy, outspoken, unnerved, quite articulate, good looking, and able to seduce both a high school friend and a married man who should have looked forward to having Jennifer Garner meet him in bed every night. But the fictitious Juno did not win over the millions of middle Americans who flocked to her quirky independent movie because of all the above strengths. No, she became a hero because she was willing to take her pregnancy to term and put the child up for adoption.
In the battle of life versus choice, nothing stands in the way of the anti-abortionists. No sin, no foul play, no promiscuous spirit can stop any pregnant girl from being a hero if she is willing to do like Juno, and have that baby. Rape, lust, teenage mistake be damned: That baby will be brought to term!
The issues in this presidential election are so strikingly serious: Iraq, Afghanistan, energy, the housing meltdown, loss of jobs, health care, etc. Yet John McCain (and whoever mysteriously counselled him) has turned the election into a real life reality show. Whether Sarah Palin is ready for the White House is not the issue. The McCainites have given us a real Juno story that many can relate to.
Who cares whether Mrs. Palin has only been out of the US only once in her life? Who cares that she has been an avid supporter of Pat Buchanan? Who cares about her somewhat limited educational experience when it comes to national and international issues? Who cares that she once belonged to the secessionist Alaska Independent Party?
What McCain is betting on is that enough Americans (read white women) will come to the defense of this damsel in distress. Her "everydayness" is the root of her appeal. Hey, didn't she show her toughness by keeping that down's syndrome child. And isn't she really America's mom by showering her love for her pregnant seventeen year old daughter (who by the way will marry her hockey star lover) after her high school graduation.
The concept is to take our eyes off of the real problems facing our nation. Really, this is not hard to do. How much of the misery and death happening everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan are ever shown on our TV tubes anyway? The concept for now seems brilliant. Hey bring on more problems. A drunken husband - how many can relate to that. The firing of that Alaska safety official - well wouldn't you do all you can to help your sister in her time of need.
If for two short months, the Palin drama plays out the way it is, McCain could have a good chance of upsetting Obama. But if the real reality ever gets a chance to seep into our minds and hearts, then McCain and his weirdly wild and often wonderful sidekick will be soundly defeated by a public who is tired of being fooled once again.
In the battle of life versus choice, nothing stands in the way of the anti-abortionists. No sin, no foul play, no promiscuous spirit can stop any pregnant girl from being a hero if she is willing to do like Juno, and have that baby. Rape, lust, teenage mistake be damned: That baby will be brought to term!
The issues in this presidential election are so strikingly serious: Iraq, Afghanistan, energy, the housing meltdown, loss of jobs, health care, etc. Yet John McCain (and whoever mysteriously counselled him) has turned the election into a real life reality show. Whether Sarah Palin is ready for the White House is not the issue. The McCainites have given us a real Juno story that many can relate to.
Who cares whether Mrs. Palin has only been out of the US only once in her life? Who cares that she has been an avid supporter of Pat Buchanan? Who cares about her somewhat limited educational experience when it comes to national and international issues? Who cares that she once belonged to the secessionist Alaska Independent Party?
What McCain is betting on is that enough Americans (read white women) will come to the defense of this damsel in distress. Her "everydayness" is the root of her appeal. Hey, didn't she show her toughness by keeping that down's syndrome child. And isn't she really America's mom by showering her love for her pregnant seventeen year old daughter (who by the way will marry her hockey star lover) after her high school graduation.
The concept is to take our eyes off of the real problems facing our nation. Really, this is not hard to do. How much of the misery and death happening everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan are ever shown on our TV tubes anyway? The concept for now seems brilliant. Hey bring on more problems. A drunken husband - how many can relate to that. The firing of that Alaska safety official - well wouldn't you do all you can to help your sister in her time of need.
If for two short months, the Palin drama plays out the way it is, McCain could have a good chance of upsetting Obama. But if the real reality ever gets a chance to seep into our minds and hearts, then McCain and his weirdly wild and often wonderful sidekick will be soundly defeated by a public who is tired of being fooled once again.
John McCain,
presidental campaign,
Sarah Palin
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