Every election cycle it comes down to the same thing. Hard core Republicans choose life and family issues and rally around their candidate. Left leaning Democrats see government as a help towards the bettering of the lives of the lower and middle classes and enthusiastically follow their nominee. And a growing number of so called "Independents" sit on the sidelines and act like they need to know more about each candidate and pontificate that they wish someone else was running and refuse to commit to the last moment.
If anything was apparent from the first presidential debate held Friday night it was that there are stark differences in the two contenders. For anyone looking for something new there was nothing there. Both stuck to their well worn ideas; ideas that have now been out there for over a year and a half. Anyone who has had even a passing interest in the election already know where the two men stand. McCain is going to clean up Washington, give tax breaks to the corporations, and will fight America's enemies over there. Obama wants to expand health care for most people, pursue alternative energies, and end the conflict in Iraq. Nothing new was sounded at the debate.
So the question is who are these undecideds (the new buzz word for them is the "persuadables")? And why can't they make up their minds?
For one, many might be following CNN's Lou Dobbs, who recently held his virtual reality "Independent Convention". In Dobbs' view, all problems are so simple. There is an immigration problem so build a wall that reaches to heaven. Take care of the problems at home by totally withdrawing from the world. Fix education with a strong dose of the three R's. But life is much more complex and like them or not, the candidates of the major parties realize that there are millions of people in competing camps over every issue. A skilled politician (leader) must bring many from all sides together to form a consensus.
A second reason, is that labels are out. Being a donkey or elephant is so last year. Be free to pursue whatever you want. Well we have just gone through a few years of this total freedom from rules lifestyle and have now been hit with the ongoing Wall Street crisis. People do not realize that their acceptance of tainted mortgage contracts when they had such little personal equity has now led to a foreclosure meltdown where the greedy lenders have been left holding the bag. A I'll get mine and the hell with everyone else mindset is not the way to function if our nation is to thrive.
Finally, most of us would like those fifteen minutes of fame. As Election Day draws nearer and the debates march on, who are the networks going to ask to be part of their focus groups? Obviously, those who seem not to be partisan and are undecided. Like we mentioned above, can anyone this late in the game truly not know who he or she is going to vote for? That is why the best thing to do is change the channel when these inane debate watchers are being interviewed. It is always the same. So and so seems to be so presidential. So and so seems to really know the facts. So and so seems to be such a strong leader. Please give us all a break. Cut the bull, choose a candidate, and go about your business. And after the election be counted and register for the party that best represents your interests.
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