Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bashing the Gay Bashers

It is too easy and way too tempting to sit here and point fingers at the latest right wing hypocrite - Senator Larry Craig. He has pleaded guilty to some shenanigans at the Minneapolis airport and is now trying to defend his actions. Craig joins a growing list that includes the former mayor of Spokane, a congressman from Florida, and a leading evangelical pastor in Colorado. All of these men have built careers out of pointing fingers at the gay community. So for those who are upset with the rage exhibited by these fallen men and now rejoice at their folly a word of caution would be greatly heeded. No matter how many of these hypocrites are found out, others will come to take their place. Anti-gay views will still be held. The issue is to show that common ground needs to be found so that hatred can give way to tolerance. Many Americans are far away from accepting gay marriage. Some would like the gay population to disappear. Obviously this is not going to happen. But hurling insults and dancing upon the tombs of Craig and his compatriots is not going to bring people around to acceptance. If those who become the new leaders of the right can be pushed to accept civil unions, workplace rights, and endorse anti-hatred legislation then the paradigm will have shifted and lead to a new era where anger and misinformation will give in to dialogue and openness.

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