Thursday, August 23, 2007

Give Vick a Chance

Obviously the length of Michael Vick's imprisonment will determine if he has any future left in the NFL. If he gets a four to five year term he will be well into his thirties by the time he is released thus dooming any opportunity for playing again in the league. On the other hand, things will become quite interesting if Vick receives the expected twelve to eighteen months behind bars. That would leave the talented and gifted athlete less than two years removed from his prime playing seasons with the Falcons. The debate will then be raised as to whether the NFL will allow him the chance to attempt a comeback. The opinion here is that Vick should be afforded such a chance. He will have served his penalty (which most likely will also include some financial restitution and community work) and now should be treated just like anyone that the penal system has released back to society. He is a high profile quarterback and should be free to pursue that career if he so desires. His crimes were profoundly horrible but the justice system apparently will not call for him to be viewed as a sex offender or a three strikes offender that is barred from certain places and monitored the rest of his life. Michael Vick has been publicly humiliated and has pleaded guilty. He (after much prodding) has been man enough to accept the decision of the federal judge and face whatever punishment is coming his way.

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