Thursday, October 4, 2007

Who Can We Help?

Last week we focused on Burma. Off and on for the past few years it has been Darfur. When his videos pop up attention turns to Osama. As rich a nation as the United States is, we do have limits to our resources. There are pressing needs abroad and here at home. Who can we send to Burma and Africa to make a difference? It will take a committed and focused effort to bring bin Laden to justice. Our children cry out for humane medical coverage but our president is spooked by his fear of creeping socialistic medical practices and a belated desire to keep a tight budget.

Obviously, the problem lies with Iraq. It is sucking everything out of our country. It is a boat that has too many leaks. It is a football team that is weak on defense, has a sore armed quarterback, and questionable coaching. Because of our incredible use of funds in the Iraqi theater and our stretching thin of an all-volunteer military, we can only pay lip service to a world and nation at great risk. Our highways and bridges need upgrading, our schools need new infusions of energy and money, and our citizens need help with the rising tide of medical financial disaster. People around the world cry out for our help but we can only give them quaint slogans and no real help. Bush is attempting to run out the clock but will he be able to dodge any more potential disasters and permanent damage to the physical and emotional foundation of our great nation?

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