Monday, December 10, 2007

Shootings In Colorado

It is Christmas season. It is especially sad to report the murders that have taken place in Middle America. As we wrote about in our last post, nine lives were lost in the Omaha shopping mall. Now, just yesterday, five more (including the gunman) have been killed in two church related shootings in Colorado.

I will briefly state once again that it is impossible to stop people from becoming cold blooded murderers. The young man in Nebraska seemed to have a troubled family life. How many people come from similar dysfunctional family situations? The killer in Colorado had been home schooled and briefly involved with both the missionary group, Youth With A Mission, and a Christian college. How many people have flirted with a dedication to Christianity?

On a micro level, we would hope that police and community and religious counselors can keep track of those with potential to go over the edge. But on a more realistic macro level, there will always be those who slip through the proverbial cracks and end up doing such horrific damage.

My last posting called for a curb on rapid fire weapons. Even with that reasonable request having little chance of becoming law in the current socio/political climate we live in, more needs to be done. The purchasing of weapons has to be coupled with a much stronger vetting system and a cooling down period so that people who are emotional do not get their hands on a weapon while in an agonized state. Bullets needed to be coded...

On and on I can go. Opponents of any gun control will call this bleeding heart liberalism. Lives of innocent good American citizens are being blown away. We must start somewhere to end this madness.

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