Monday, December 31, 2007

Stay Positive

It is the eve of the New Year.
A look back...

Dec. 31 1862
The forces to keep the Union together and smash the chains of slavery look in complete disarray

Dec. 31 1914
The guns of August have given way to the glacial trench style warfare that threaten the lives of millions of Europe's best

Dec. 31 1941
A nation still in shock over the wanton destruction at Pearl Harbor wonders what the future will hold

Dec. 31 1963
A young president just laid to rest a month earlier; where will inspiration come from?

Dec. 31 1999
Is is the end of the world? A computer meltdown will scramble the financial information of millions

Dec. 31 2007
A war with no end continues in Iraq and a world feebly takes small stabs at a growing environmental catastrophe

Pick a year. Any year. It does not matter. Mankind has always been faced with major problems as one year melts into another. Pick a place. Any place. Pakistan - where a brave woman's assassination puts a fragile democracy at risk. Iowa - whose snowy fields and hardened folks will give birth to a season of change or reactionary policies. Oakland, California - where four young men were brutally killed in street crimes over the last weekend of 2007.

No matter the problem. No matter the crisis. No matter how dark. Time goes on and we adapt to the situation. We are here today looking into tomorrow. With God's help we will take small and large steps towards solving our problems and making sure that many more new years will be ushered in for those who follow after us.

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