Who Was Robert Hawkins?
12/7/2007 8:49:34 PM
Does it really matter who he was? Do we need to know the "profile" of the Stockton, California rifleman? Or the Virginia Tech murderer? The answer is a resounding NO!!
No matter how much so called counseling and intervention is done, there will always be psychopaths in our midst. Whether young or old, there will always be those who want their "fifteen minutes of fame." A wrong turn here, a put down there, and there will be those who seek revenge on the world. The fact is that there will always be potential mass murderers awaiting their turn to make a warm day within a popular holiday destination, a day that will live in infamy.
It is a simple plea that I and many others are making during this so called December season of warmth and peace: Remove the automatic weapons from our streets, homes, and cities. Pro or con on guns, people will always stock rifles and pistols. They are too numerous and in many parts of the United States, too culturally embedded to get rid of. But we must face the reality, that in a society peopled by over three hundred million souls, weapons of mass destruction must be totally eliminated.
Trying to analyze the reasons for Omaha or Columbine is a fruitless exercise. Legislate all we want but there will always be victims of bullying, alienation, and disenchantment. The question is not how to stop these people from killing (of course, on a case by case basis, many hurting people need to be helped), but how many innocent lives can we keep from dying. If the lonely souls that decide to go out in a blaze of gunfire are prevented from carrying rapidly firing weapons, the total number of dead will dramatically decrease.
Automatic weapons need to go!!
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